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         The key to prosperity is to learn how to tap into kingdom principals for provision and continual prosperity. Biblical principles about God’s provision scattered throughout the Bible seemed to be hidden secrets!  I thought they were secret because I had never heard preaching on them in church.  I have tested and practiced these principles for decades and they have been proven continually in my experience: no hit and miss trials!  His promises are true!  You can have supernatural financial blessings, and your needs met in ways you never imagined. In my book you will read true examples and testimony over and over about His supernatural ways of provision. (Pearls On The Wings: Carnel Baker)


         The biggest News Flash of all times:  There is plenty of money in the world.  There is not a shortage of money as we are led to believe!  You can learn how to draw what you need to you! He provides, we just need to learn how to receive!


         The “deeper secrets” that seem to be hidden are to set you free of struggle and empower you into prosperity. It is easy and joyful to put Kingdom Principals into practice, especially when you see how He arranges your provisions.  It is utterly amazing!  It is the only way to live because of the benefits - not just money, but all kinds of blessings in His unique way He takes care of us! You will experience joy in Him, where you cannot wait to hear Him, obey, and receive.  Do you trust Him?


    You will learn:

    1.  Major biblical secrets and how to implement them in life, easily and joyfully.
    2. Kingdom principals that naturally bring continual prosperity
    3. Spiritual laws about money and finances that cause you to prosper.  We do not have to struggle for money, or things money buys.  We can have everything we need.
    4. How to have creative ideas that call you to prosper
    5. Human nature actions and thoughts that place a blockage in the flow of money to you. (What causes your needs to not be met.)
    6. Tools that you can use and teach others for prosperity.


         Learn how to receive continual prosperity in my book: Pearls On The Chapter VII (Kingdom Principals to Prosperity). Or/and contact me for one-to-one learning, practice, and encouragement.


    Carnel Baker (972)562-0337    See Menu